Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater sampling services throughout Australia and internationally.


Groundwater sampling is crucial for system conceptualisation and baseline data for hydrogeological studies

Groundwater sampling is a key element to system conceptualisation and is critical in developing baseline data in support of a range of hydrogeological studies. Commencing groundwater sampling involves the selection of an appropriate technique, closely linked to the local hydrogeology of the target aquifers to be sampled. The actual procedure is not difficult and is frequently systematically recorded after the technique is chosen; nevertheless, hydrogeological expertise at the bore during sampling can yield substantial benefits in addressing issues that are not immediately evident in the bore records. This experience can often be the difference between a valid sample being collected or no sample at all.

Ground & Water Australia carries its own equipment inventory for groundwater sampling, noting some specialised pumping equipment might need to be procured for specific program needs. Our staff are trained and procedural documentation for each program is developed ahead of field mobilisation, and usually shared with clients for review and compliance to site specific operations.

Setting the Standards

Whilst there are defined standards for groundwater sampling, Ground & Water Australia also reviews every sampling program for inclusion of additional equipment, or modification of procedure, to ensure the best chance of valid groundwater sample collection is achieved. We include QA/QC in our programs, review laboratory reports for correctness, and maintain a clear documentation trail from sample collection to result reporting.

Setting the Standards Ground and Water Australia
Drilling Ground and Water Australia

The Importance of Qualifications & Experience

Groundwater sampling is a core skill of a hydrogeologist. While procedures for sampling are typically straight forward, the advantage of hydrogeology experience in field sampler selection is aimed at allowing problems in the field to be dealt with in the field. These might include bore locating and confirmation, problematic yields, slow development, access limitations etc. Further, collection of site observations which are common practice to hydrogeologists can also aid in the interpretation of data, especially where groundwater and surface water interactions required evaluation.

Learn more about how we can help you with our Groundwater Sampling Service.

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